Author Archives: Catherine Jeyaratnam

Do you live in a world of possibilities?

By Catherine Jeyaratnam

Picture: Greg Racozy,

What is a possibility mindset?
Contrary to what a lot of people think, a possibility mindset is not only about thinking positive all the time, it is also about allowing yourself to think of what could be done or achieved – daring to even think that it can be done and most importantly having a framework in place to allow the possibilities to manifest.

Throughout history we have seen many examples of impossible things becoming possible.
Like flying on airplanes, driving cars, landing on the moon, using electricity, using telephones etc.. None of these things would have become reality without people daring to think of them as a possibility. We wouldn’t be experiencing the world as we know it today if they hadn’t allowed themselves to think that it could be possible. Similarly, people like Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela, J.K Rowling etc.. wouldn’t have achieved what they have if they hadn’t begun with a possibility mindset.

So why is having a possibility mindset important? It’s the first step in achieving anything you want. If you do not allow yourself to think about what you truly want or your dream, and think of it as a possibility, then how is it ever going to become real? You might think that just the thought of it is too scary and you don’t see how or any way of making it happen so why even bother entertaining the thought? Well this is exactly what sets apart people that make things happen from people who just wish things would happen.

Being scared is normal if it’s the first time you are going to do or try something and especially if you don’t even know if it’s possible. But the reason you are scared is not necessarily because it’s life threatening or dangerous but because your brain is resisting you trying to step out of your comfort zone.  Your brain will ring alarm bells and make you see the worst case scenario because it’s its job to keep you safe. Anything it is not familiar with is signaled to you as danger so you go back into your comfort zone and stay safe. Being safe is great for your brain as it is doing what it is supposed to do to protect you. But is it great for you? Well not really, as it will never let you experience new things. If you don’t experience new things how likely are you to grow? Staying in your comfort zone might keep you safe but it might also keep you feeling stuck and frustrated because you are putting limitations on yourself. So remember, if you want to pursue your dreams, do what you truly want and live in a world of possibilities you have to step out of your comfort zone and challenge the resistance your brain will subject you to.

Another thing to consider when having a possibility mindset is how aligned your belief system is with what you want to achieve. Is your current framework for possibility serving you? If ‘your’ reality, the beliefs held in your subconscious mind contradict what you want to achieve, you will find it very difficult to move ahead with your goals as your subconscious mind will sabotage you on an unconscious level.

Here’s something you can do and reflect on to start opening up to a possibility mindset.

1) Remind yourself everyday that you are an asset to the world.

How does this make you feel and how could you approach your daily tasks, goals and dreams from this place in terms of possibilities? What would you do differently?

2) Learn to recognise when you are in scarcity thinking. Notice how you react to situations or challenges –

a) do you tend to go into an internal blame mode by beating yourself up?
b) do you tend to feel victimised and go into an external blame mode?
c) do you just feel indifferent?
d) or do you tend to see the opportunity to learn from the situation and even see the positive in it?

If you see that your reaction is anywhere between statement a) and c) then try reframing your thinking to consciously start looking for opportunities in any situation.

3) Take time to ask yourself everyday: ‘What’s possible for me today?” “What is possible for me today in my life and in my business?” And give yourself the time to think about it and reflect on it. When doing this, open yourself up to limitless possibilities, allow yourself to think beyond what you have ever thought before and dare to imagine a world full of opportunities.

Want to learn more?

Book a Free strategy session with us today and we can further look into your possibility mindset and what measures you can take to nurture it going forward.

– Catherine


Introduction to “The secret to manifesting the life and business you desire”

By Catherine Jeyaratnam

We all breathe, think and feel everyday, all day long. We don’t really stop to think about it, we just do. We were not taught to breathe, think and feel, we simply do it on autopilot. We even tend to take these for granted and yet they have a tremendous impact on our lives. If we experienced difficulties breathing we would be very ill or even die. Similarly, if we don’t think and feel the way we were meant to then we will experience greater difficulties and struggles in life, because the way we think and feel determines what happens in our lives. Being aware that our thoughts and feelings have such an impact on what we achieve is crucial so that we can use them appropriately to reach our goals. You can think of it as trying to make a piece of machinery work without the instruction manual. You are likely to try many ways of making it work in the hope that it starts doing what you want it to do and you might also find the process difficult and frustrating. However, if you had an instruction manual you could just follow the steps, know what to expect and just make it work.

Unfortunately none of us come into this world with instruction manuals, however, knowing that there are rules that govern how we function in this Universe is a great insight to help bridge this gap. We live in a Universe that is governed by many rules called the Universal Laws. Whether we are aware of them or not they are always in operation and allow the Universe to exist in harmony. The Universe operates effortlessly because of these laws and we could do the same if we were to apply these principles to our everyday life. We could experience amazing transformation in every aspect of our lives by aligning ourselves with the flow of the Universe and tapping into its limitless abundance.

We are all part of this Universe and we are all governed by the Universal Laws, whether we like or not. So understanding how these laws work and impact us will make a significant difference in the way our lives unfold. To see how these laws affect us, we first need to understand that we live in a vibrational Universe where everything at its most basic level is simply energy vibrating at different frequencies. Just like everything else, us humans are also constantly emitting frequencies and communicating with the Universe through our energy. For whatever energy we emit outwards the Universe responds by giving us more of the same energy we give out. So we get back what we put out, always. Like energy attracts like energy. If we get back what we put out, then it is important that we emit the right energy to start with. The energy that we emit comes from our thoughts and feelings so knowing how to use our thoughts and feelings to create the energy we want to emit is the key to achieving all our goals.


Picture: Blake Nyquist,

Want to learn more?

Join our seminar “The secret to manifesting the life and business you desire” in cooperation with Impact HUB Westminster on May 17th. More info and how to sign up here: