Canterbury Court
1-3 Brixton Rd, London SW9 6DE
Understand your unique leadership style!
A lot of people discuss what great leadership is and what is the best leadership style to adopt. However, there are more answers to these questions than there are leaders out there and therefore more important questions to ask are:
– who are you as a leader?
– what makes your leadership unique?
– and how can you use your full potential as a leader?
In this thought provoking, re-energizing and fun seminar we share tools and techniques to help you understand your unique leadership style and gain key insights on how you can use your full potential in your everyday work. This is a game-changing seminar that will revive you, lift your confidence, sharpen your focus and thus have a direct impact on what you achieve in your work.
Course outline
- Exploring when you are at your best through visualisation and reflections
- Understanding what hinders you to be at your best
- Learning tools to help you work from your core strengths on a regular basis
- Clarifying your intentions as a leader short- and long-term
Who is leading this course?
This course is led by Marie de Champchesnel and Vegard Olsen
What do previous participants say?
“I was really impressed by the seminar! I went into it expecting to get the opportunity to explore my leadership style further, but what I didn’t expect was the depths in which I was encouraged to look at my own unique leadership style. What particularly stuck out for me was the activity on ‘making the unconscious conscious’. The reason that was my big take away from the seminar was because it made me aware of the traits I previous thought I disliked in other leaders, but were in fact the traits I discovered were important to me and I needed to develop myself. I think it was handled brilliantly and consequently it had a lasting impact on my leadership style.”
“I have taken two seminars with Coachingpartner and was impressed with both. Theory leads directly into very tangible and actionable methods that I can implement in my daily interactions immediately. This is due to the interactive nature of the workshops, that let you experience the benefits of changing your approach to leadership or teamwork immediately. Needless to say that both workshops have been invaluable to me and I approach certain tasks differently now. I can only recommend you try it too!”
81% of participants rate our seminars as excellent or very good
* based on 8 leadership course feedback surveys
This is how previous participants describe our leadership courses:
“Thought provoking, non conventional, lovely atmosphere, supporting environment, space to think, great exercises that creates personal insights, great examples, relaxed, friendly, engaging, flexible, open, honest, interactive, nicely organized, tools for everyday life, creative elements, excellent facilitation”
* based on 8 course feedback surveys