Essential business support: Short courses to inspire your organisation during challenging times

By Vegard Olsen

Essential business support are short courses to support and inspire you and your organsiation during the pandemic.

These are short courses at a low price which will uplift and inspire your team, give you access to transformational tools and help your business see possibilities during very challenging times.

Picture: Rawpixel,

We currently offer two courses to support businesses:

´Essential business support:
Nurturing resilience and working from your strengths during challenging times´


´Essential business support:
Nurturing a possibility mindset´

Each course lasts 45 minutes and include the following:
– Tools and techniques to help balance yourself and strengthen your mindset
– Tools and techniques to help you look for possibilties when its otherwise hard to do so
– Sharing best practices from teams and leaders we have helped in the past
– Q & A
– Slides and material sent to you after the courses

Who is it for?
These course are for teams and groups of all sizes who seek support, inspiration and practical tools that will help them navigate challenges and proactively look for opportunties.

Course facilitator:
Vegard Olsen holds and MSc in Management from University of York, has worked 4 years as coaching trainer in London and Oslo and has facilitated many courses and workshops for SME´s since he started coachingpartner in 2012.

He has worked with hundreds of leaders globally and many teams over the past decade and as a facilitator he likes to share best practices from leaders he speaks with regularly as well as some of the latest research and theories related to team and leadership performance.

Get in touch with us to hear more!