Photo: Joshua Earle,
– How to create a framework for possibilities in your work and life
We might believe that we are currently trapped by our circumstances based on the assumptions that we carry with us. However once we shift our perception the same circumstances can open up a world of possibilities. Changing the way we think about our challenges and opportunities can bring about a step change in everything we do.
Course outline
• How to create a framework for possibilities aligned with your goals
• How changing your perception can empower you
• Turning your challenges into a world of opportunities
Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone looking to break boundaries, move forward, get passed their blockers and create a growth mindset to step into a world of possibilities. If you are looking to try something new, step outside of your comfort zone and make things happen then this course is for you.
What will this course help me do: learning outcomes?
• Dare to dream big and follow your dream
• Recognize you have a choice
• Create a vision aligned with your uniqueness
• Turn your vision into reality
Who is leading this course?
This course is led by Catherine Jeyaratnam and Vegard Olsen
What previous course participants say?
81% of participants rate our courses as excellent or very good
*based on 8 courses feedback surveys
This is how previous participants have described our courses:
“Thought provoking, non conventional, very engaging style, unique content, lovely atmosphere, supporting environment, space to think, great exercises that creates personal insights, great examples, relaxed, friendly, engaging, flexible, open, honest, interactive, nicely organized, tools for everyday life, creative elements, excellent facilitation”
* based on 8 courses feedback surveys
And here´s what previous participants to this course say:
“The realization that what I have dreamt of creating is possible. I´m possible! IT´s possible! Thanks for another great session!”
– Sarah Lindeman
”I was in this event and for me it was an extraordinary change in my life”
– Luis Alayo
”Powerful thoughts after working through the 6 chapters of realising my dreams of business success. What it looks like was not expected and resulted in a great perspective. Thank you to the presenters and coaching which was very helpful in a carthartic and open techniques, which helped me become more self-aware and share insights within a group – a refreshing change to many self-employed business owner working alone from home. Thanks!!!”
– Alan Llorente
Our mission:
Our mission at coachingpartner is to build a Life Design House in London by 2020.
This is a house where professionals within leadership and personal development work together to help people and companies understand and express their uniqueness and make their dreams become reality.
By joining our courses you gain amazing tools and insights for yourself and at the same time help us help many more people live and work from their uniqueness – and make their dreams a reality!
Pictures from last course:
Practical info:
– Doors open at 6:00pm
– Course starts at 6:30pm and finish at 9pm
– There will be time for networking and mingling before and after the course
– Location: The Canvas, 42 Hanbury St, London, E1 5JL
– Tea, coffee, drinks and snacks can be bought at the cafe before, during and after the course
– Access: The event will take place in the basement. There are stairs from ground floor down to the basement. If you need any assistance to access the venue, please email in advance so we can make sure someone is there to help.
Tickets are £10
This course is set up in partnership with The Canvas
You can reserve your tickets here:
Warm welcome to a game changing course!
Understand your unique leadership style!
A lot of people discuss what great leadership is and what is the best leadership style to adopt. However, there are more answers to these questions than there are leaders out there and therefore more important questions to ask are:
– who are you as a leader?
– what makes your leadership unique?
– and how can you use your full potential as a leader?
In this thought provoking, re-energizing and fun seminar we share tools and techniques to help you understand your unique leadership style and gain key insights on how you can use your full potential in your everyday work. This is a game-changing seminar that will revive you, lift your confidence, sharpen your focus and thus have a direct impact on what you achieve in your work.
Course outline
- Exploring when you are at your best through visualisation and reflections
- Understanding what hinders you to be at your best
- Learning tools to help you work from your core strengths on a regular basis
- Clarifying your intentions as a leader short- and long-term
Who is leading this course?
This course is led by Marie de Champchesnel and Vegard Olsen
What do previous participants say?
“I was really impressed by the seminar! I went into it expecting to get the opportunity to explore my leadership style further, but what I didn’t expect was the depths in which I was encouraged to look at my own unique leadership style. What particularly stuck out for me was the activity on ‘making the unconscious conscious’. The reason that was my big take away from the seminar was because it made me aware of the traits I previous thought I disliked in other leaders, but were in fact the traits I discovered were important to me and I needed to develop myself. I think it was handled brilliantly and consequently it had a lasting impact on my leadership style.”
“I have taken two seminars with Coachingpartner and was impressed with both. Theory leads directly into very tangible and actionable methods that I can implement in my daily interactions immediately. This is due to the interactive nature of the workshops, that let you experience the benefits of changing your approach to leadership or teamwork immediately. Needless to say that both workshops have been invaluable to me and I approach certain tasks differently now. I can only recommend you try it too!”
81% of participants rate our seminars as excellent or very good
* based on 8 leadership course feedback surveys
This is how previous participants describe our leadership courses:
“Thought provoking, non conventional, lovely atmosphere, supporting environment, space to think, great exercises that creates personal insights, great examples, relaxed, friendly, engaging, flexible, open, honest, interactive, nicely organized, tools for everyday life, creative elements, excellent facilitation”
* based on 8 course feedback surveys
– This course is FREE. Book your tickets now via Eventbrite
Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone looking to understand their hidden gifts and learn how to regain their full potential, power and confidence. Examples of people attending are entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level, people going through career change and needing the confidence to make their next move, people struggling with certain personal or professional relationships and people who want to pursue their dreams and make them a reality.
“Thanks very much for last week’s workshop, that was an amazing and enlightening session. Very grateful to have been part of it and indeed I feel like I’m already seeing life differently and can act on it.”
Elena Mustatea
Bold health
Please take moment to read the following information:
1 – By signing up to this course, you are granting coachingpartner permission to send you emails after the course including slides and tools from the course, a survey to get your feedback on the course as well as information about our future courses, coaching, inspiration and offerings. You can unsubscribe from this service at any point you like. We are taking your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy policy for more information.
2 – We take pictures on most of our events and sometimes also short videos. By attending this event you accept that you may appear in a coachingpartner picture or video as a member of the participating audience. The pictures or videos will be shared at coachingpartner´s social media and/or website.
3 – Please note that doors open 6pm for this event and the course starts at 6:30 latest.
We recommend all participants to take their seat at the event by 6:25 latest.
The course finishes at 9pm.
4 – There will be time for networking and mingling before and after the course as well as during the break midway through the course.
5 – Location: The Canvas, 42 Hanbury St, London, E1 5JL
6 – Access: The event will take place in the basement. There are stairs from ground floor down to the basement. If you need any assistance to access the venue, please email in advance so we can make sure someone is there to help.
7 – Refreshments: Tea, coffee, drinks and snacks can be bought at the cafe before, during and after the course.
8 – Alternative payment: If you prefer to pay via invoice, send an email to and we can arrange this for you.
If you have any questions regarding the information above or any requests, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
This course is set up in partnership with The Canvas
You can reserve your tickets here:
Welcome to a game changing course!
Who is this course for?
This course is for leaders and team leaders in small and medium sized companies who want to build committed and high performing teams.
Course facilitators
This course facilitated by Vegard Olsen
• Clear understanding of key team leadership skills
• Tools to help you understand, motivate and create commitment in your tea
• Confidence in your ability to build a strong team
Our mission
Our mission at coachingpartner is to build a Life Design House in London by 2022.
This is a house where professionals within leadership and personal development work together to help people and companies understand and express their uniqueness and make their dreams become reality.
By joining our courses you gain amazing tools and insights for yourself and at the same time help us help many more people live and work from their uniqueness – and make their dreams a reality!
“Coachingpartner were excellent and had some interesting concepts to reflect on both in relation to team building and communication in general. The main takeaways I had were, firstly- the importance of taking time to review and reflect team dynamics and secondly – the quality of listening. Actually focusing on what the person is saying and what they mean as we can all be guilty sometimes of second guessing people´s responses and not properly listening to someone’s answers, feedback etc”.
Bilde: Mohamed Nohassi,
Dette kurset er for alle som vil lære noe nytt om seg selv for å oppnå mer av det som er viktigst for dem. Enten det er jobbrelaterte mål eller personlige mål. Kurset passer også godt for gründere og ambisiøse ledere som har lidenskap for sin jobb og ønsker å oppnå mer.
Praktisk info:
Vennligst les følgende informasjon nøye:
1 – Ved å kjøpe billett til dette kruset, gir du coachingpartner tillatelse til å sende deg e-post etter kurset som inkluderer at vi sender deg presentasjon og verktøy fra kurset, en undersøkelse for å få din tilbakemelding på kurset samt informasjon om fremtidige kurs, inspirasjon og tilbud. Du kan melde deg av denne tjenesten når du ønsker det. Vi tar personvern seriøst. Vennligst se vår Personvernerklæring for mer informasjon
2 – Vi gjør opptak av kurset som vi sender deg i etterkant. Dersom du ikke kan delta live sender vi deg link til kurset i etterkant som du selv kan se når det passer for deg.
3 – Hvis du vil delta live kan du logge deg inn på kurset fra kl 19:50. Kurset starter kl 20:00. Kurset varer til kl 21:30
4 – Dette er et online kurs og vi sender deg link til kurset og informasjon om hvordan du deltar når du kjøper din billett til kurset
5 – Betaling via e-post: Om du foretrekker betaling via post, send en e-post til så sender vi
deg faktura for billettene du ønsker
6 – Du kan stille spørsmål underveis i kurset via chat og kamera/mikrofon
Om du har spørsmål i forbindelse med informasjonene ovenfor eller andre spørsmål ang kurset eller våre tjenester, ta gjerne kontakt med oss på
Klikk linken for å booke din billett:
Velkommen til et inspirerende kurs!
Picture: Mohamed Nohassi,
Who is this course for?
This course is for ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs who are passionate about their work and eager to make a big impact. Participants tend to be entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs – or leaders in small and medium sized organisations.
Please take moment to read the following information:
1 – By signing up to this course, you are granting coachingpartner permission to send you emails after the course including slides and tools from the course, a survey to get your feedback on the course as well as information about our future courses, coaching, inspiration and offerings. You can unsubscribe from this service at any point you like. We are taking your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy policyfor more information.
2 – The course will be recorded, so if you cannot attend at the time of the coruse you will still gain access to the course and can watch it whenever suitable for you
3 – To join live you can log into the course from 7:50pm. The course starts at 8:00pm and finishes at 9:30pm
4 – Details of how to log in to the course will be sent to you when you book your ticket.
5 – We will send you slides after the course
6 – We will answer questions as we go during the course via microphone or via our chat
7 – Alternative payment: If you prefer to pay via invoice, send an email to and we can arrange this for you
8 – Tickets are £10
If you have any questions regarding the information above or any requests, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!
You can reserve your tickets here:
Welcome to a game changing course!
Buy tickets online:
Who is this course for?
This course is for ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs who are passionate about their work and eager to make a big impact. Participants tend to be mission and purpose driven leaders and entrepreneurs in small and medium sized organisations.
Please take moment to read the following information:
1 – By signing up to this course, you are granting coachingpartner permission to send you emails after the course including slides and tools from the course, a survey to get your feedback on the course as well as information about our future courses, coaching, inspiration and offerings. You can unsubscribe from this service at any point you like. We are taking your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy policy for more information
2 – The course will be recorded, so if you cannot attend at the time of the coruse you will still gain access to the course and can watch it whenever suitable for you
3 – To join live you can log into the course from 6:50pm. The course starts at 7:00pm and finishes at 8:00pm
4 – Details of how to log in to the course will be sent to you when you book your ticket
5 – We will send you slides and tools after the course
6 – We will answer questions as we go during the course via microphone or via our chat
7 – Alternative payment: If you prefer to pay via invoice, send an email to and we can arrange this for you
8 – Tickets are £25
If you have any questions regarding the information above or any requests, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!
Welcome to a game changing course!
Buy tickets online:
Buy tickets online:
Who is this course for?
This course is for ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs who are passionate about their work and eager to make a big impact. Participants tend to be mission and purpose driven leaders and entrepreneurs in small and medium sized organisations.
Please take moment to read the following information:
1 – By signing up to this course, you are granting coachingpartner permission to send you emails after the course including slides and tools from the course, a survey to get your feedback on the course as well as information about our future courses, coaching, inspiration and offerings. You can unsubscribe from this service at any point you like. We are taking your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy policy for more information.
2 – The course will be recorded, so if you cannot attend at the time of the coruse you will still gain access to the course and can watch it whenever suitable for you
3 – To join live you can log into the course from 11:50pm. The course starts at 12:00pm and finishes at 1:00pm
4 – Details of how to log in to the course will be sent to you when you book your ticket.
5 – We will send you slides after the course.
6 – We will answer questions as we go during the course via microphone or via our chat
7 – Alternative payment: If you prefer to pay via invoice, send an email to and we can arrange this for you
8 – Tickets are £25
If you have any questions regarding the information above or any requests, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!
Welcome to a game changing course!
Buy tickets online:
Buy tickets online:
Who is this course for?
This course is for ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs who are passionate about their work and eager to make a big impact. Participants tend to be mission and purpose driven leaders and entrepreneurs in small and medium sized organisations.
Please take moment to read the following information:
1 – By signing up to this course, you are granting coachingpartner permission to send you emails after the course including slides and tools from the course, a survey to get your feedback on the course as well as information about our future courses, coaching, inspiration and offerings. You can unsubscribe from this service at any point you like. We are taking your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy policyfor more information.
2 – The course will be recorded, so if you cannot attend at the time of the coruse you will still gain access to the course and can watch it whenever suitable for you
3 – To join live you can log into the course from 11:50pm. The course starts at 12:00pm and finishes at 1:00pm
4 – Details of how to log in to the course will be sent to you when you book your ticket.
5 – We will send you slides after the course
6 – We will answer questions as we go during the course via microphone or via our chat
7 – Alternative payment: If you prefer to pay via invoice, send an email to and we can arrange this for you
8 – Tickets are £10
If you have any questions regarding the information above or any requests, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!
Welcome to a game changing course!
Buy tickets online: